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Acquaint With Our Experienced & Dedicated Team

Dr S Kavitha

Associate Professor – MBA


A distinguished Associate Professor with a Ph.D. in Finance and 13 years of experience, holds a Guinness World Record for the thickest book. Receieved Distinguished Teacher Award and the Global Teacher Innovation Excellence Award. Best perfomer award from Tamil Nadu the field of Academics.


Beyond the academic achievements, I am actively involved in promoting sustainable academic practices and environmental awareness. Adding to my academic journey,I completed a Lead Auditor course. Expertise in Green Campus Energy and Hygiene Audit, A proactive contributor to building on sustainable practices in the field of Research & Education.


Sesssion Chair : (i) International Multidisciplinary conference on current research trends at Kathmandu University, Neplal (ii) G20 International conference on Moving towards sustainable growth at Vivekanada College of Arts & TamilNadu.


Guest Talks: (i) Advanced Research Trends in Business and Management PGP Arts & Science College ,Tamilnadu (ii) Climate change and sustainability :Education,Environment,Energy & Economic – Net Zero Plan at Dhakka International University, Bangladesh


Research paper published : 25


Book Published : Emerging Trends and Financing Health Analysis of Commercial Vehicle Industry in India.


Board of Examier: IFIM – Bangalore and PGP College of Arts & Science, Tanil Nadu


  • 13 Years


  • M.Com
  • M.Phil
  • PH.D

Award & Recognition

Guinness World Record Holder(2023) - Thickest book in the World(5.80m-19ft 0.34in)

London Organization of skills,Devt.,2.Distinguished Teacher Award (2023)(MTC National)

Teaching Excellence (G20 International conference-2023)

Global Teacher Innovation Award(2021-NSER)

Research Scholar Excellence Award(2021-IIC- International)

TamilNadu Govt Award for Best Performer (2009 -TN Govt.,Dept of Scholl Education) Session

International Multidisciplinary Conference on Current Research(Kathmandu University , Nepal )


Lead Auditor (2023=)(ISO9001;2015 & 50001;2018) - Environment Mgt. System,Green Campuses Energy & Hygiene Audit to Educational Institutions)

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